张凯权-博士 师资介绍

发布时间:2021-07-31 18:04:39  作者:  来源:   浏览次数:







1. Kaiquan Zhang, Zhan Shen, Xinchao Yang et al. Spatial Patterns in Different Stages of Regeneration after Clear-Cutting of a Black Locust Forest in Central China, FORESTS, 2019, 10 1066:1-20(SCI).

2. Kaiquan Zhang, Xinchao Yang, Zhan Shen et al. Properties and Distribution of Seed Banks in a Black Locust Plantation in Central China. Nature Environment and Pollution Technology(EI).

3. Zhan Shen#, Kaiquan Zhang#, Yan Ao et al. Evaluation of biodiesel from Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge seed kernel oil from 13 areas in China. Journal of Forestry Research .2019(SCI).

4. Xinchao Yang, Kaiquan Zhang, Jing Wang et al. Assessment of genetic diversity and chemical composition among seven populations of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2020, 90:1-8(SCI).

5. Zhan Shen, Kaiquan Zhang, Luyi Ma et al. Analysis of the genetic relationships and diversity among 11 populations of Xanthoceras sorbifolia using phenotypic and microsatellite marker data. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 26(2017):33-39(SCI).

6. 张凯权,马履一,段劼,汪力,杨欣超.刺槐纤维素合酶基因(RpCesA2)克隆、表达及SNP分析.分子植物育种,2017,15(02):474-482.




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